Zigbee Home Automation (ZHA)
All JetHome controllers and sticks are supported in the Zigbee Home Automation system.
Check that the Zigbee adapter is not occupied by another process (for example, zigbee2mqtt).
To connect, you must add a new integration to Home Assistant:
For devices based on Texas Instruments chips, you must select the device type ZNP Texas Instruments Z-Stack:
In the connection settings, you must correctly specify the port where the adapter is located.
For controllers JetHub D1, JetHub D1+ and JetHub H1 the port for the built-in adapter must be
. Connection speed115200
, data flow control should be left unselected:Note
For other JetHome controllers and sticks, you must select a different port and connection speed.
If the settings are correct, the connection will succeed: